Women fleeing domestic violence are becoming homeless at alarming rates, and support services are struggling to keep up – ABC News


Comment by tonytran2015: Poverty and homelessness in Australia have been partially caused and aggravated by bad governance of apartments ripping off residents with non-transparent contracts awarded by Management companies owned and operated by an aggressive, abrasive and obnoxious ethnic minority using badly designed Owners Corporations Laws to rob the non-voting residents of their rights and financial contribution. The bad economic experience of 1935 Germany seems to be repeating again in Australia in 2024.

… According to Homelessness Australia’s latest 2022-23 report, 45 per cent of Australian women seeking homelessness support services cite domestic violence as the key reason…

Ausgrid and JOLT Install Five Free, Fast Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Sydney – Ausgrid


Comment by tonytran2015: Working Australian people cannot afford Electric Vehicles, they get ripped-off with petrol prices sold at Aust Dollar 1.70, USD 1.16, per litre including various taxes. The ruling class get free charges for their Electric Vehicles. History is repeating. Marie Antoinette allegedly said “Let them eat cakes”.🤯🤯🤯

“Drivers pull up, plug in and are on their way in 15 minutes, receiving up to 7Kwh free per day, potentially saving over $1000 a year.”

The Nation’s First Congestion Toll Scheme Bites The Dust – For Now | PA Pundits International


… When gasoline prices skyrocketed in 2021, President Biden opened the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and urged OPEC and Venezuela to sell us cheaper oil with its resulting carbon emissions, which made a mockery of his fake climate alarmism.

Similarly, on the eve of when congestion tolls would take a bite out of voting New Yorkers, all the drivel from Hakeem Jeffries and Kathy Hochul about reducing carbon emissions and saving the planet became vapid and worthless, as they jettisoned their supposed principles and commitment to fighting climate change…

During The Great Depression They Were Called “Hoovervilles”, But Today America’s Shantytowns Are Called…, by Michael Snyder | STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC


Comment by tonytran2015: By Quantitative Easings 1&2, the Treasury had given away about 2000 billion of US dollars in Treasury Notes (sold to “insiders” at discount and bought back few months later at full price). This had impoverished USA and gave purchasing power to the Deep State which owns FRB and various private investment banks. Now they use their purchasing power to rob the young generation with heavy interest rate and an inflation ridden US dollar.

I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson (1829). “Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies: From the Papers of Thomas Jefferson”, p.277, https://www.azquotes.com/quote/350944

Our homeless population is rapidly exploding, and those that have nowhere to live are creating shelters for themselves out of wood, cardboard boxes, tents, tarps, construction materials and whatever else they can find.  In some cases, very large shantytown communities are being established, and they are primarily populated by our young adults

During the Great Depression (1929 to 1933), 48 percent of the nation was homeless, living with relatives or in “shantytowns,” “Hoovervilles.”  Today, between 47 and 52 percent of young adults are homeless, living with parents or shelters, a direct result of Biden’s radical overspending, energy and immigration policies, inflation, and high interest, turning America into a giant “Bidenville.”

One “Bidenville” that has been…

Service charges: I’m now paying £8,000 a year for my flat


Comment by tonytran2015An aggressive, abrasive and obnoxious ethnic minority nearly always creates this type of financial abuse, through its ethnic connection, to every of its generous adoptive nations. Aren’t its people re-creating the same old social conditions as in 1933? People who sow the seeds of the old bad problems should not complain reaping the same old backlash.

Reforms to leasehold and freehold became law on Friday – one of the last pieces of legislation to make it through Parliament before it was shut down for the general election….

US investors pricing out trailer residents – DW – 05/13/2024


Comment by tonytran2015: There is an aggressive, abrasive and obnoxious ethnic minority that uses its ethnic link to manipulate/abuse the democratic systems in Western nations to benefit itself at the expense of every host population. That is the cause of many current movements in the World for financial separation and social segregation against that ethnicity. Karma gives no exception and each abuse would get its deserving backlash. It is frightening to see terrible parts of history being repeated.

Some 20 million people in the US live in trailer parks, most of them poor families or retirees attracted by the low rents for plots of land. But for investors, they constitute a market with profit potential…

Exorbitant fees and undisclosed kickbacks: Inside the poorly regulated strata management industry – ABC News


Comment by tonytran2015: There is an aggressive, abrasive and obnoxious ethnic minority that concentrates on this industry to rip-off apartment owners. Aren’t these the same conditions as in 1933? People who sow the seeds of the old bad problems should not complain reaping the same old backlash.

… Some of the experiences being described are simply dreadful. Extraordinary self-dealing by strata management companies, using subsidiary and associate outfits in defiance of the wishes of their owners corporations. Refusals of strata managers to abide by a termination of their contract and their ongoing extraction of management fees. The failure to return the assets and records of buildings, and the disappearance of trust funds. Police having to be called to AGM meetings…

‘Completely blindsided’: new owners of strata properties shocked by special levies | Housing | The Guardian


Comment by tonytran2015: Dishonest managements hide their outrageous spendings by classifying them as “special levies” (although they are recurring) so that naive owners (more than 50% are regrettably naive) would have thought that the spendings were for only rare occasions. Careful examination reveals that the levies in most case should instead be classified as “annual levies”. This problem is clearly an exploitation of a loophole in a badly designed law.

We want to know what’s happening with strata across Australia – ABC News


Comment by tonytran2015: An aggressive, abrasive and obnoxious ethnic minority nearly always creates this type of financial abuse, through its ethnic connection, to every of its generous adoptive nations. Aren’t its people re-creating the same old social conditions as in 1933? People who sow the seeds of the old bad problems should not complain reaping the same old backlash.

But for many years, apartment owners and advocates have raised concerns about hidden fees, conflicts of interests, being over-charged or side-deals struck between strata managers and contractors.