Police name cause of Boeing whistleblower’s death — RT World News


Comment by tonytran2015: Do people believe that Jeffrey Eipstein committed suicide? Killing whistle blowers only damages the reputation of the corporation and the nation.

20 May, 2024 09:55

HomeWorld News

Police name cause of Boeing whistleblower’s death

John Barnett’s body was found days before he was due to testify in a lawsuit against the aircraft manufacturer

Boeing whistleblower John Barnett, who raised concerns about the aerospace giant’s production safety standards, died by suicide, US media reported on Friday, citing documents released by the Charleston Police Department.

Barnett was found dead in his car in the parking lot of a hotel in Charleston, South Carolina, on March 9, after he failed to show up for a second day of depositions in a lawsuit against the aircraft manufacturer.

An initial probe concluded that it was an “apparent” suicide, but police continued the investigation after requests from the whistleblower’s family and lawyers, who suspected foul play. The two-month probe, however, confirmed the initial findings, with police stating that Barnett died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

He had bought the handgun in 2000, and his fingerprints were found on a notebook with “what amounts to a suicide note.” Barnett reportedly wrote: “I can’t do this any longer” and “I pray Boeing pays.”

Neither Barnett’s legal team nor his family have so far responded to media requests for comment on the final probe results. Barnett’s family earlier told CBS News they would try to continue his case against Boeing, which is due to go to trial in September.

READ MORE: Second Boeing whistleblower dies suddenly

Barnett had a 30-year career at the aviation giant, and for his last seven years there worked as a quality manager. He left the company in 2017, citing job-related stress.

In 2019, the former employee told the BBC that he had witnessed Boeing employees being pressured into deliberately fitting sub-standard parts into aircraft to cope with increased demand.

According to Barnett, he repeatedly complained to company management about his findings, but no action was taken. In 2021, Barnett filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer, alleging a host of safety concerns including stray titanium shavings in electrical wiring, defective oxygen tanks, and rushed final production and safety testing.

Boeing has denied the whistleblower’s allegations, and Barnett claimed the company harassed and spied on him following his revelations.

Boeing is yet to comment on the news. In March, the company said it was “saddened” by Barnett’s passing.

READ MORE: US airline’s Boeing 777 diverted after toilet overflows into cabin

Boeing has faced unprecedented scrutiny from aviation regulators since its best-selling jetliner, the 737 MAX, was universally grounded following two deadly crashes in 2018 and 2019, which killed a combined 346 people.
Several incidents also took place this year, starting with a door panel blowing off mid-air on a Boeing 737 MAX 9 operated by Alaska Airlines in January. All 737 Max 9 planes are currently grounded in the US, pending safety checks.

Malaysia tells US it doesn’t recognise sanctions imposed unilaterally | Aletho News


Comment by tonytran2015: US with its ZOG is losing respect around the World.🤣🤣

Nelson is in Malaysia reportedly to discuss issues related to funds being moved to Iran and its proxies, and funding for the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas from within the Malaysian financial sector…

New US Antisemitism Law Turns Critics Against Israeli Genocide Into Criminals, by Joachim Hagopian | STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC


SLL certainly qualifies as a critic of Israeli genocide, and so do many of the writers posted on this site. From Joachim Hagopian at globalresearch.ca:

On Wednesday May 1st, the House overwhelmingly passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act by a 320-91 vote, with only 21 Republicans joined by 70 Democrats against it. Expanding the scope of what is legally considered antisemitism, this is another bipartisan uniparty trap to ensnare the thousands of protesters exercising their free speech against the apartheid Israel’s extermination of Palestinians, in effect criminalizing those that are critical of the genocide. This is piece of legislation is a betrayal of our First Amendment rights and a betrayal of the American people, and a testimonial how AIPAC Israel through bribery and blackmail have turned our constitutional republic into a totalitarian technocratic police state.

Foreign national influence is outlawed in the United States except with one exception, the American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) that allows Zionist Israel money and bribery control to essentially own the treasonous US Congress.

Through intelligence agencies Mossad, CIA and MI6 in addition to AIPAC, US politicians are systemically coerced, bribed and blackmailed into unconditional support for Israel.

As Tucker Carlson admitted recently to Joe Rogan, politicians are afraid to not vote in line with these intimidation tactics imposed by foreign agent operatives, that threaten kiddie porn on their computers or truth exposing pedo-blackmail activity, to ensure that Zionist Israel always gets what it wants with total impunity. With this kind of captured control over politicians, and now with this latest antisemitism law, dare criticize Israel or Zionism or Jewish power, it can now get us locked up under antisemitic hate speech. Zionist bloodline moneychangers like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers would not want it any other way.

A Thursday May 2nd Truthout article states:

House lawmakers voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to approve legislation directing the U.S. Department of Education to consider a dubious definition of antisemitism, despite warnings from Jewish-led groups that the measure speciously conflates legitimate criticism of the Israeli government with bigotry against Jewish people.

Uniparty Republicans and Democrats passing this new antisemitism bill destroying US Constitution’s First Amendment that guarantees our citizens’ free speech rights, confirms that US Congress panders and grovels in submission to their master Zionist Jewish State and its bloodline master founding owner, the Rothschild banking cartel. America’s uniparty is owned and operated by foreign agent AIPAC Israel.

Again, look at what inexhaustible lengths our Congress goes to, to protect the rights, security and safety of Jews, while Palestinian Arabs are brutally massacred daily and American citizens’ disappearing constitutional rights, our safety and national security are blatantly trampled upon.

Murder of Seth Rich – Wikipedia


Political conspiracy theories and racially charged comments started to appear on social media the day after Rich’s death.[66][67] Within days, right-wing conspiracy theories began circulating,[68][69][70] including false claims that his murder was connected to the DNC email leak of 2016[4] or the FBI’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation.[70][71]

Boeing whistleblower John Barnett found dead in US


He had been due to undergo further questioning on Saturday. When he did not appear, enquiries were made at his hotel… He was subsequently found dead in his truck in the hotel car park…

“It Was Brutal”: 2nd Boeing-Linked Whistleblower Dies, by Tyler Durden | STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC


45-year-old Joshua Dean, a former mechanical engineer and quality auditor from Wichita, Kansas, alleged that Spirit leadership ignored manufacturing defects on the 737 MAX, including ‘mechanics improperly drilling holes in the aft pressure bulkhead of the MAX.’ When he brought this up with management, he said that nothing was done about it. So he filed a safety complaint with the FAA – and said that Spirit had used him as a scapegoat while they lied to the agency about the defects…

Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘black book’ with 221 high-profile names is being sold in secret auction


“Why? There is so much confidential information, so much potential for new revelations within the book, that I believe there may be someone out there who will buy it simply to make it ‘disappear’,” he told the outlet.

The ‘Antisemitism’ Moral Panic Has Officially Jumped The Shark, by Caitlin Johnstone | STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC


Comment by tonytran2015: It is time for American, English and Australian to demand the repeal of the racist “laws against anti-semitism”. If there need to be any law it must be a law against RACISM against all races (Palestinians included), against discrimination of all religions (Islam included).

It’s a lot easier to shout “antisemitism” at critics of Israel than it is to debate the merits of the criticisms. From Caitlin Johnstone at caitlinjohnstone.com:

So, to be absolutely clear, Israel’s top government official has announced that charges against himself and other Israeli leaders for obvious war crimes like intentionally bombing and starving civilians would be both “antisemitic” and a “hate crime”.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has responded to the International Criminal Court’s rumored plans to indict Israeli officials for war crimes by claiming that for the ICC to do so would be an “antisemitic hate crime”.

Yes, you read that correctly. 

“If this does happen, it will be an indelible stain on humanity. It would be an unprecedented antisemitic hate crime that would add fuel to the antisemitic incitement that is already raging in the world,” said Netanyahu this past Tuesday.

So, to be absolutely clear, Israel’s top government official has announced that charges against himself and other Israeli leaders for obvious war crimes like intentionally bombing and starving civilians would be both “antisemitic” and a “hate crime”. 

So, to make things even clearer, when a supporter of the state of Israel claims to be sincerely super duper worried about “antisemitism”, this is the kind of thing they are talking about. This is what the label “antisemitism” has come to mean. It means literally any opposition to, criticism of, or consequences for a nuclear-armed genocidal apartheid ethnostate which is backed by the most powerful empire that has ever existed.

The “Antisemitism Awareness Act” Is An Audacious Attack Against The First Amendment, by Andrew Korybko | STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC


“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize,” is a quote often wrongly attributed to Voltaire, but it’s a good aphorism nevertheless. The bill would criminalize criticism of Israel and Jews. From Andrew Korybko at korybko.substack.com:

Deifying Israel and all Jews by potentially criminalizing any criticism of them, no matter how legitimate such as the first’s policies towards the Palestinians and wondering whether the second’s disproportionate membership in the Biden Administration influences its policies, is anti-American.

The House’s passage of the “Antisemitism Awareness Act” is an astoundingly anti-democratic development. The bill mandates that the federal government uses the “International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s” definition of anti-Semitism, which The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh correctly noted could potentially criminalize criticism of Israel. His boss Ben Shapiro is one of America’s top Zionists so he’s literally risking his livelihood by condemning this audacious attack against the First Amendment.

There’s nothing “anti-Semitic” about describing Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians as racist nor in drawing attention to how that state’s formation led to the ethnic cleansing of many Muslim Arabs. Likewise, accusing it of exploiting the Holocaust for socio-political gain isn’t anti-Semitic either. The same goes for pointing out the disproportionate number of Jews in the Biden Administration and wondering whether this influences his team’s policy towards the region.

Jews aren’t the only targets of bigotry in the world, and their genocide during World War II doesn’t place them atop an imaginary hierarchy of victimhood with all the special privileges that entails in society. The State of Israel that was founded in their name as a sanctuary for them isn’t above legitimate criticism. Deifying it and its people is a personal choice that should never become a legal obligation in America. The very fact that it very well might, however, inadvertently fuels anti-Semitism.

After all, potentially criminalizing criticism of Israel and denying Jews the special privileges that some of them believe that society must forever afford them as a result of the Holocaust lends false credence to conspiracy theories that they control the US Government. The aforesaid speculation is easily discredited though by noting that Israel itself hasn’t sanctioned Russia nor armed Ukraine, among other examples such as Biden’s endorsement of Schumer’s call for regime change against Bibi, yet many still believe it.