Parents Protesting Critical Race Theory And Transgenderism Violently Arrested At School Board Meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia – Nwo Report

Parents protesting against anti-white critical race theory and transgenderism being pushed on their children in Loudoun County, Virginia were violently arrested by police on Tuesday after a school board meeting was declared an “unlawful assembly.”


The Loudoun County school board cut off the mic of legendary Virginia State Senator Dick Black as he spoke out against transgender lunacy being pushed on children in schools. After the crowd erupted in cheers, the board voted to shut down the entire meeting.


Parents were then brutalized and arrested as can be seen in the top videos.

From The Daily Mail:

The Loudoun County School Board in Virginia cut off public comment during a meeting on Tuesday as residents debated contentious transgender policy proposals and Critical Race Theory.

County residents arrived early to pack the auditorium as 259 residents signed up to speak during the public comment session before the debates became so heated that at least two men were eventually arrested for refusing to leave the building. The men were protesting the policy.

The parents debated a draft of the proposed 8040 policy on restrooms that reads that ‘students should be allowed to use the facility that corresponds to their gender identity,’ as school district leaders say they are moving to make schools more inclusive for transgender students – something that is considered by some parents as challenging traditional religious beliefs.

According to Fox News, the comments went rather smoothly through the first half-dozen speakers who supported the 8040 proposal until the seventh speaker was booed for insulting Christian parents in the district who oppose the policy.

The woman, who identified herself as the mother of a transgender Loudoun student, had said that ‘hate’ was ‘dripping from the followers of Jesus in this room’ – which promoted the board to call a five-minute recess for parents to cool down.

Brenda Sheridan, the board chair, warned residents after the recess that members of the board had voted unanimously to end public comment if the room again became disruptive.

Black Lives Matter and Antifa can riot, loot, murder and burn down cities causing billions in damages and police chiefs and the FBI will kneel before them but they’ll happily turn around and brutalize and arrest a group of parents for opposing transgenderism and anti-white critical race theory being pushed on their children!