The life cycle of a nation.


The life cycle of a nation.

by tonytran2015 (Melbourne, Australia).

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(Blog No. 189).

There is a life cycle for nations and empires. Unless a nation or empire lose a war and become occupied it follows this pattern. The pattern is described here and USA is found to be on the last phase [1] of the cycle.

The life cycle of a nation.

#life cycle, #nation, #empire,

1. Steps in the life cycle of a nation.

1- Every nation is set up by people seeing a common purpose and seeking mutual benefits (not necessary beneficial for all people in that future nation).

2- The founders of the nation are active and they organize themselves into different functional (ruling or non-ruling) groups, some of which may be for strengthening their own grip on power. They proclaim a new nation without much objection from inactive people.

3- The nation may survive or even prospers producing wealth with or without interference from its neighbors.

(When neighbouring nations anticipate the possible bright future of this nation plus its inspiring political contagion they may seperately or collectively attack it to preserve -and also to gamble on enhencing- their status.)

4- Efficiency requires specialization into different functional groups.

(When everyone in a nation has to do everything around him by himself and there is no specialization, the society of that nation has no mutual trust among its members -everyone fears being ripped off by others- and that nation cannot progress fast.)

5- Specialized groups compete with one another for power and the communal wealth. This competition may gradually alter the structure of the government substantially.

6- Greed and corruption create laws, customs and functional “day light robber” groups for siphoning most of power and communal wealth to certain groups while depraving others.

7- Discontents grow with wealth disparity and there are struggles between the privileged and the depraved groups. A few see-sawing power changes may occur leading to some unstable social equilibrium. A truly free election for government may allow the see-sawing to bring back a sustainable equilibrium.

8- A step too far by any side may make the nation dysfunctional, lead to a renegation of existing order and a REVOLUTION is the result. All existing orders and structures are overthrown, a few functional groups may be eliminated.

9- One or many new countries may now be formed from the old country retaining only a few of its previous functional groups. It may also happen that a neighbor may invade and incorporate the country into its own.

The process is repeated again from step 1.

2. USSR as an example.

1- Communists in USSR wanted a country free of ruling by the Russian Tsar and sought mutual benefits (not necessary beneficial for all people in that future nation).

2- The communists organized themselves into different functional (ruling or non-ruling) groups. They proclaimed a new nation without much objection from inactive people.

3- USSR survived, producing moderate wealth without interference from its neighbors.

4- Efficiency required specialization into party members, administrators, internal security agency, armed forces, workers and peasants.

5- Specialized groups competed with one another for power and the communal wealth.

6- Greed and corruption create laws, customs and functional “day light robber” groups for siphoning most of power and communal wealth to certain groups while depraving others [2]. This has been anticipated by Trotsky, a founding member of the USSR!

“Trotsky was expelled from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1927… In exile he had continued to work resolutely against Stalinism and his book The Revolution Betrayed [3]was published in Paris in 1937. In it he said that under Stalin the Soviet Union had betrayed socialism and become a totalitarian state.” [4]

7- Discontents grew with wealth disparity. A few see-sawing may occur leading to more unstable social equilibrium: Glasnost.

8- A military space race (star war) made the nation bankrupt, led to a renegation of existing order and the USSR were dissolved.

9- Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and 12 other new countries have been formed from the old country. They retained only a few of its previous functional groups (Nuclear forces were retained!). [5]

The process is repeated again from step 1.

3. USA as an example

1- Americans did not want to pay tea tax to their English rulers.

2- The founders of the nation were active and they organize themselves into different functional (ruling or non-ruling) groups. They proclaimed a new nation USA without much objection from inactive people.

3- USA survived and prospered producing wealth without interference from its neighbors.

4- Efficiency requires specialization into different functional groups: Administrators, sheriffs, military men, farm owners, bankers, pay day lenders, industrialists, craftsmen, traders, vulture funds owners, hedge funds owners, lobbyists,…

5- Specialized groups compete with one another for power and the communal wealth. The structural change can be seen in the way President GWashington used only few Executive Orders in his time while later Presidents WWilson and FDRoosevelt had to use many Executive Orders. The old time Congress did not wrangle with their President on every issue.

There are now many fake news outlets, propagandists for hire and lobbyists for hire.

6- Greed and corruption create laws, customs and functional “day light robber” groups for siphoning most of power and communal wealth to certain groups (bankers, weapon makers, pharmaceutical owners, health insurers, lawyers, private equities, vulture funds) while depraving others.

7- Discontents grow steadily with growing wealth disparity . A few see-sawing changes of power (placing Republican or Democratic in power) may occur leading to some unstable social equilibrium. A truly free election for government may allow the see-sawing to bring back some sustainable equilibrium.

8- A step too far by any side (such as a vote rigging by legislation or by outright frauds) may make the nation dysfunctional, leading to a renegation of existing order and a REVOLUTION may result. All existing orders and structures are overthrown, a few functional groups may be eliminated.

9- Two new countries (most likely a USA and another US of Brownies) may be formed from the old country retaining only a few of its previous functional groups (Nuclear forces will be retained for sure!).

The process is repeated again from step 1.

4. Signs of the end of a republic

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.”― Benjamin Franklin

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”
― Alexander Fraser Tytler









[8]. Trump wants to cancel Air Force One order from Boeing,

[9]. Trump Is Right To Attack The Cost Of Air Force One Replacement Program,


[11]. President Trump Made an ‘Informal’ $3.9 Billion Air Force One Deal,






[17]. The dark side of American democracy,



Added after 2018 November 14:

Nationalism in the Middle East:

United States Green Beret, Terry Schappert, Master Sergeant (ret) 82nd Airborne Division Special Forces, tells a compelling story on how democracies could better protect their citizens from terrorists:

… I’ve spent a lot of my life – almost 25 years – in the Middle East. I’ve lived with Arabs. I’ve trained their soldiers, I’ve fought with them, bled with them, I’ve watched them die. I was a Green Beret medic; I’ve delivered their babies, I’ve pulled their teeth, I’ve inoculated their farm animals. You’ve got to understand them, how these folks think. They’re worried about their family, their clan and their tribe. They don’t have a national identity. That’s why it’s such a hard sell. And most Middle Eastern countries are either kingdoms or theocracies or dictatorships, because you have to crush them — clans and tribes — to hold them together.

Fast forward to the guys who are living here in the West … the killers, not the regular Islamic people. What do they care about? They hate the country they live in. What they care about is their family; they care about that group.

So any time any of these guys does this (act of terrorism) their whole family should get picked up and deported, back to the country of their origin. …

You take from them what they care about and it would slow them down, if not stop them.



A seemingly unexpected story is making the rounds on NPR about how the Communist Party of China has supposedly had to crack down on the student activist groups popularly known as “Young Marxists”, with the report stating that their grassroots efforts to reform the country’s current variant of communism have put them on a collision course with the authorities.






Any nation requires shared evolution and complementary cohesion.



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